Quality Agency for Higher Education of Andorra

Quality Agency for Higher Education of Andorra


The Agència de Qualitat de l'Ensenyament Superior d'Andorra (AQESA) or Quality Agency for Higher Education of Andorra is an organization that plays a crucial role in the higher education system of Andorra. It was established in 2008 with the aim of promoting and ensuring the quality of higher education in the country.

AQESA is responsible for evaluating and accrediting higher education institutions and programs in Andorra. It also provides guidance and support to these institutions to help them improve the quality of their education and research activities. The agency works closely with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Council of Andorra to develop policies and strategies that promote the development of higher education in the country.

One of the key functions of AQESA is to evaluate the quality of higher education institutions and programs in Andorra. This evaluation process is based on a set of criteria and standards that have been developed by the agency in collaboration with other international organizations. The evaluation process includes a review of the institution's governance, management, academic programs, research activities and student services. Institutions that meet the agency's standards are accredited for a period of six years.

AQESA also provides guidance and support to higher education institutions in Andorra to help them improve the quality of their education and research activities. This support includes training and development programs for faculty and staff, as well as assistance with curriculum development and research activities. The agency also works with institutions to develop policies and strategies that promote the development of higher education in the country.

In addition to its role in evaluating and accrediting higher education institutions and programs, AQESA also plays a key role in promoting the internationalization of higher education in Andorra. The agency works with institutions to develop partnerships and collaborations with other institutions around the world. This includes facilitating student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects and other forms of collaboration.

Considering all this, according to uniRank the Agència de Qualitat de l'Ensenyament Superior d'Andorra plays a crucial role in the development and promotion of higher education in the country. Its evaluation and accreditation processes help to ensure that institutions in Andorra provide high-quality education and research activities. Its support and guidance to institutions help them to improve their quality and develop policies and strategies that promote the development of higher education in the country. And its efforts to promote internationalization help to connect institutions in Andorra with the global higher education community.

General Information

Organization Name

Agència de Qualitat de l'Ensenyament Superior d'Andorra




Avenida Rocafort, 21-23
Sant Julià de Lòria
AD600 Andorra


Year of Establishment


Entity Type


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