Higher Education / University Glossary


What does the academic term Fellowship mean in higher education?


Fellowship definition

Short Definition

Fellowship is an award granted by a university or external organization to support graduate students in their research or studies.

In-depth Overview


Long definition: A fellowship in higher education refers to a financial award or grant provided to an individual, typically a graduate student or researcher, to support their academic or research pursuits. Fellowships are often competitive and awarded based on merit, academic achievements or research proposals. They can cover tuition fees, living expenses or research-related costs, enabling recipients to focus on their studies or research without the burden of financial concerns.

Etymology: The term "fellowship" has its origins in Middle English, where it referred to a companionship or partnership among individuals with shared interests or goals. In the context of higher education, it signifies the collaborative and supportive nature of academic and research communities.

Synonyms or related academic terms: Scholarship, grant, financial aid, stipend, bursary.

Examples of Use:

  • She was awarded a prestigious fellowship to conduct research on renewable energy sources.
  • Many students rely on fellowships to cover the cost of graduate education.
  • The fellowship allowed him to travel abroad for fieldwork as part of his doctoral research.

Spanish: Beca
French: Bourse
German: Stipendium
Italian: Borsa di studio
Portuguese: Bolsa de Estudo
Japanese: 奨学金 (Shōgakkin)
Chinese (Simplified): 奖学金 (Jiǎngxuéjīn)
Hindi: फ़ैलोशिप (Phēlōship)

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Miscellaneous higher education terms > University academic terms

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